Is Living a Quality Life with Kidney Disease Possible?

Is Living a Quality Life with Kidney Disease Possible?

To answer the question “ is living a normal life with kidney disease possible?”, Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD is a disease where the kidneys do not filter blood as they should.

Is living a normal life with kidney disease possible? Millions of people live with this question on their minds every day. While it is hard to answer this question with a definite “Yes,” to say “No” is not true, either. Let me explain.

The human body is born with two kidneys. These two beans are vital organs for the proper functioning of our body, and, as a rule, they outlive the human body and other organs. Kidneys have two major functions. One is filtration, cleaning up impurities and unwanted stuff in the blood. Through filtration, kidneys not only get rid of toxins but also help keep the minerals like calcium and phosphorus within normal range. The second major job of the kidney is the secretion of hormones. This supply of hormones is essential for blood pressure, blood production, and bone strength. Roughly 112 to 144 liters of blood pass through our kidneys in one day. During this passage, unwanted substances are removed, and the clear blood returns to the main circulation again to bring more toxins to be cleared. The whole blood circulates through the kidney about forty-eight times daily.

What is Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD?

Kidney disease is more common in the general population than we care to believe. Kidney disease is labeled as chronic if it lasts longer than three months. In chronic kidney disease, kidneys fail to meet the body’s demand for toxin clearance. Their production of hormones diminishes, too. Hundreds of millions of people live with chronic kidney disease, many of whom live a normal life until the late stages of kidney disease. But to maintain this level of health despite less-than-normal functioning kidneys, the patient has to follow the instructions of the healthcare professionals. People with kidney disease can live long and normal lives with proper diet, medication, exercise, and due diligence.

Treatment Options:

There are various treatment options for kidney disease. Keep in mind, however, that all kidney disease treatment is the management of the conditions that lead to kidney disease. Thus, the best way to keep your kidney disease from worsening is the optimal management of underlying medical conditions, like blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, among others. In addition, doctors use a few medications to control the symptoms of kidney disease, like itching, bone pains, and loss of appetite. Such optimal treatment not only allows the patient to live a healthy life but also significantly delays the progression of kidney disease.

Treatment in the early stages includes:

  1. Medication for high blood pressure
  2. Medication to control bad cholesterol levels in the blood
  3. Anemia medication
  4. Following a low-protein diet to reduce the wastage produced by the body
  5. Swelling medication

Kidney Transplant

When a patient’s kidney function falls below five percent, kidneys cannot keep up with the body’s demands, requiring replacement therapy. Two main options for replacement therapy are dialysis and transplant. After a kidney transplant, patients can again live normal life.

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